OpenStack - Play with LDAP !
LDAP is an open standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.
For example: a common usage is to provide a single sign on where one password for a user is shared between many services.
In OpenStack, and more especially in Keystone (Identity service), this feature is fully supported.
But if you have already played with RH-OSP (from 7.0 to 7.3 version), you know LDAP templates aren’t included for the moment.
I propose to you a quick introduction about how to enable LDAP in an RH-OSP deployment via puppet params.
A simple way to apply LDAP configuration to OpenStack can be to modifying puppet configuration data.
Following the OSP documentation, we need to add LDAP parameters into our environment file.
Add LDAP Parameters
Example: /home/stack/my_overcloud/infra-environment.yaml
keystone::roles::admin:email : 'ospadmin@ospoc.lan'
keystone::roles::admin:password: 'R3dH4t'
keystone::ldap::identity_driver : 'keystone.identity.backends.ldap.Identity'
keystone::ldap::url : 'ldap://'
keystone::ldap::user : 'uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=ospoc,dc=lan'
keystone::ldap::password : 'R3dH4t'
keystone::ldap::suffix : 'dc=ospoc,dc=lan'
keystone::ldap::user_tree_dn : 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=ospoc,dc=lan'
keystone::ldap::user_allow_create : 'False'
keystone::ldap::user_allow_update : 'False'
keystone::ldap::user_allow_delete : 'False'
keystone::ldap::user_mail_attribute: 'mail'
keystone::ldap::query_scope: 'sub'
keystone::ldap::user_id_attribute: 'uid'
keystone::ldap::user_name_attribute: 'uid'
keystone::ldap::group_tree_dn : 'cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=ospoc,dc=lan'
keystone::ldap::group_objectclass : 'groupOfNames'
keystone::ldap::group_allow_create : 'False'
keystone::ldap::group_allow_update : 'False'
keystone::ldap::group_allow_delete : 'False'
keystone::ldap::user_filter : '(memberof=cn=openstack_enabled,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=ospoc,dc=lan)'
keystone::ldap::assignment_driver : 'keystone.assignment.backends.sql.Assignment'
Deploy !
Please check that you have the environment file (infra_environment.yaml in our case) in your stack deployment line.
openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e /home/stack/my_overcloud/infra_environment.yaml
Deploy your Overcloud as usual, the configuration will be apply during the deployment.